Investment Management - Equities and Fixed Income
High Dividend Strategies
Managing Concentrated Stock Positions
Private Placement Analysis
Individuals - Affluent Families - Individual Retirement Assets
Corporate Retirement Assets - Foundations - Endowments

Ardent focuses on fundamental equity analysis and active portfolio management for the long-term investor. The firm’s CEO and Portfolio Manager, Christopher Donabedian, CFA, has a 20-plus year track record of managing high-conviction, concentrated portfolios and delivering attractive long-term results. In addition to managing client portfolios, the firm has successfully advised on over $500 million in transactions in OTC derivatives, real estate, private equity, venture capital and other private deals, further strengthening the firm’s business-like approach to managing equity portfolios.
Ardent seeks to compound client wealth and emphasizes the avoidance of permanent loss of capital. Clients are predominantly single and multi-family offices. Our clients have come exclusively by referral.
+1 513 831.9393
Cincinnati, OH 45243 | USA